Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Beautiful Mind

Einstein was considered to be a genius and consequently many graphologists reference his handwriting when considering intelligence. I haven't seen enough evidence yet  to be confident that intelligence can be measured by handwriting. From personal experience, intelligent people's handwriting can differ considerably from Einstein's. One example that comes to mind would be a person who scored the highest nationwide on the PSAT in my high school. His rather large and unattractive handwriting hardly resembled Einstein's. On the other hand one can measure attributes such as efficiency, maturity, general overall health and concentration which all correlate somewhat with intelligence or a high functioning individual.

A few comments about Albert Einstein's signature.
  • Despite the stereotype of the dispassionate scientist, Einstein's writing has a slight rightward slant which indicates enthusiasm and emotion.
  • In this particular signature the upper zone is more predominate in regards to size and embellishment, compared to the rest of his signature. Since the upper zone is associated with the intellect and spirituality one can deduce that he placed more importance on those things than on more practical matters.
  • His writing is predominately garland/angular which indicates a mind that is fairly aggressive regarding his approach to life however not to the point where he was inflexible. Angularity signify aggression while garland connections signify receptiveness. The faster a person writes and hence thinks, the more writing tends to be contain garland/thread like strokes. Arcade strokes tend to slow the speed down considerably.
  • The arching t bar shows discipline in intellectual manners since it is placed in the upper zone. Arcade strokes usually signify control or concealment.
  • Capitals, paprticularily the E, is unique and embellished to a degree which indicates pride, confidence. The signature however generally is rather unadorned which signifies humility.
  • The writing deviates to a minor degree from copybook indicating a minor degree of creativity and individuality. Studies have shown that geniuses need to have a certain threshold of intelligence along with a certain degree of creativity.
  • The A is constructed efficiently with no departure from the paper in order to cross the A.
  • The stroke of his signature has some pastiosity. A high degree of pastiosity, which has a lot to do with pen choice, is often seen in more sensual people such as artists.
  • His mid zone is relatively small and generally(not in this sample) in proportion to the rest of the handwriting. According to many graphology books this signifies a person with good concentration.

Overall his handwriting gives the appearance of balance in regards to many graphological indicators. Somewhat surprising since most of us associate eccentricity and imbalance with a genius like mind.

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